

Precision-engineered instruments designed to detect and treat soft-tissue injuries.

HawkGrips IASTM Instruments

HawkGrips are a tool we use for Instrument-Assisted Soft-Tissue Mobilization (IASTM), a form of manual therapy where a “hard-edged instrument made of metal, plastic or ceramic to add shearing stress to soft tissue in order to enhance the body’s healing response” (1). By mobilizing the body’s soft tissue–namely muscle, ligaments, tendons, and fascia–our practitioners at Pacific Coast Sports Medicine can expedite the repair and recovery of your injury.

A Brief History of IASTM

The technique of IASTM can be traced back centuries ago to “Gua Sha,” a traditional Asian medicine. Instead of using metal tools (like HawkGrips), water buffalo horn or jade stone was used to apply the pressure and friction to the injured or sore body part. After expanding throughout Eastern Asia, Gua Sha and other forms of soft-tissue mobilization assimilated into complementary and alternative practices of medicine (1,2).

How can HawkGrips and IASTM Benefit You?

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  1. Braun et al. Effectiveness of traditional Chinese “gua sha” therapy in patients with chronic neck pain: a randomized controlled trial. Pain Med. 2011;12(3):362-9.
  2. Butler M. Deep impact: targeting restrictions with instrument-assisted soft-tissue mobilization. ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine. October 28, 2013. http://physical-therapy.advanceweb.com/ebook/magazine.aspx?EBK=PT102813#page=16.
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